Sample MAP Test Question
We have almost finished the first round of NWEA MAP testing for the fall. The students put forth their very best effort and worked diligently on three tests (Reading, Math, and Language Arts). This was a new testing experience for all of us, and there was definitely a learning curve attached to implementing something of this magnitude. Overall, it ran pretty smooth, so I am excited to see how the next two testing sessions go.
We will be testing again in January to check mid-year progress and the final testing session will be in May. I really feel the data we are going to generate from these tests will help us greatly improve the overall quality of our educational program here at Bethlehem. Additionally, we will be meeting the individual needs of each student and meeting them right where they are at so that they can get the most out of every instructional minute spent in school.
Thank you to all of the teachers for their patience and flexibility during this new assessment. We will be sharing some insight regarding the initial data during November conferences.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me and I would be happy to visit with you!