Mrs. Brown encourages students to meet expectations in Art by providing incentives for them to earn an Art Party each quarter! 8th graders earned their incentive and got to make slime!!! Looks like ewy, gooey, fun!!!!
Thursday, November 15, 2018
The Lord's Prayer
Last week in chapel, all grades participated in interactive sessions learning about each part of the Lord's Prayer. Our hope is that students came away with a deeper understanding and connection with the meaning of this very special prayer!
STEM Olympics
Our K-4th grade students participated in STEM Olympics as part of our positive behavior incentive last week. As you know our students are earning Bethlehem Bucks and these bucks are broken up into Give, Save, Spend. If students save enough by the end of the quarter they get to participate in a fun activity! This was the first one of the year!!
Friday, October 26, 2018
Fine Motor Skills
Our 4-year old Preschoolers worked hard and played hard today. They spent time at the sensory table working on developing their fine motor skills while hammering golf tees into pumpkins!! What great fun!
Picture Day
It's Picture Day at Bethlehem!!
All the boys and girls looked very ready to smile pretty!!
Say cheese!!
Monday, October 8, 2018
October Chapel Offerings
This month, our students will be giving to the Lutheran Hour Ministries Online Mission trip to Cambodia. If you would like to learn more about this opportunity to give, please check out the link below!
Bethlehem's Trunk or Treat
Join us for this fun event! Admission is one can of food!
Music, popcorn, costumes, and LOTS of candy!
If you would like to decorate your trunk, contact the church or school office.
School Mission Statement
Bethlehem Lutheran Church & School
Our Vision: Changing Lives through Christ
Our Mission: Sharing Christ’s Love & Caring for all People
School Mission Statement
At Bethlehem, we are more than a school, we are family. We partner with families to educate, engage, encourage, and empower our children both in the Christian faith and through excellence in learning.
We want every child to:
BELIEVE in the amazing love of Jesus Christ, our Savior
LEARN in an environment of academic excellence
GROW in both knowledge and as bold defenders of the Christian faith; and
LEAD in their family, community, and world.
Bethlehem School Branch
Be sure to send your student(s)' pouches on the dates listed below if they would like to make a deposit!!
- October 17
- November 7
- December 5
- December 19
- January 16
- February 6
- February 20
- March 6
- March 20
- April 3
- April 17
- May 1
- May 15-Last One!
Upcoming Events
Mark Your Calendars!!!
October 8-Smart Card Fundraiser
October 8- K-4 Motor Development Day @ SVSU
October 16-Sports' Pictures (Soccer and Volleyball)
October 18-19 No School (Teacher Work Days)
October 22-After-School Session 1 Begins (3:15-4:30 p.m.)
October 26-School Pictures
October 29-31 Hartley Field Trip (Grades 5-7)
October 31-Harvest Parties and Parade (2:00 p.m.)
Smart Cards are Here
Smart Card Sale Begins Today!
If you would like to purchase smart cards, please fill out the order form and send it back with the money for the cards. Krystena will send the cards home with your student.
Smart Cards will also be for sale in the school office.
Wednesday, September 26, 2018
Thank you Alex for leading us in worship today as we learned about the ingredients needed for us to be God’s church!
Monday, September 24, 2018
Constitution Day
On September 17, our 8th graders reviewed the history of the United States Constitution and it’s importance to this great nation!
Monday, September 17, 2018
Fun Run!
YES, IT'S TRUE!! Dr. Frederick has to kiss a cow!!!
Way to go kiddos-we are already to 64% of our Fun Run goal!!! Keep getting those pledges so we can meet or exceed our $10,000 goal to get a Gaga Ball Pit on the playground.
Weekly Family Faith Connections
Weekly Family Faith Connection
As Posted by Dr. Frederick in the Charger Chat
This week, Pastor Korte talked about Taming the Tongue in church. It was a powerful message that directly supports the Dignity Revolution. Pastor had everyone take a bandaid to encourage us to use our words to heal and not hurt others. I am going to challenge all of our school families to continue this challenge by taking a band-aid and wearing it on your hand for 24 hours. Every time you see the band-aid, speak words of love and encouragement to someone in your life. Lift them up and praise them!
"God tells us in His Word that the tongue has incredible power. We can use our tongue to bring blessings and life or curses and death. The saying "sticks and stones can break my bones but words will never hurt me" is simply not true. Our tongues can be the most difficult thing to control and leave us with great regret if we use our words to hurt. There is hope! The Bible tells us that with the help of the Holy Spirit we can have power and control over our tongue" (
Faith Application Activities for the Family: At dinner or at bedtime, share about your day. What were the high points and what were the low points. Talk about what you could have done differently in these situations? Use the band-aid this week to speak love and life into someone in your family and to a friend.
Prayer: Heavenly Father, you have given us the gift of speech. We want to make sure that we are always bringing glory to You and showing those around us your love. Let our Words, be words of truth, inspiration, and life. Amen.
Tuesday, August 28, 2018
Monday, August 27, 2018
Our Vision: Changing Lives
through Christ
Our Mission: Sharing Christ’s
Love & Caring for all People
School Mission Statement
At Bethlehem, we are more than a school, we are family. We
partner with families to educate, engage, encourage, and empower our children
both in the Christian faith and through excellence in learning.
We want every child to:
BELIEVE in the amazing
love of Jesus Christ, our Savior
LEARN in an environment of
academic excellence
GROW in academic knowledge and as
bold defenders of the Christian faith; and
LEAD in our families,
community, and world.
What a Friend...
Our theme for the 2018-2019 school year is What a Friend...and the verse is Matthew 25:40!! The theme song is “What a Friend” by Matt Maher. (Check it out on YouTube!) We can’t wait to see how God is going to use this to teach us and grow us as we learn how to stand up for the value, dignity, and worth of every person! #dignityrevolution #bethlehemsaginaw
Welcome Back to School!!!
It's a great first day of school here at Bethlehem Lutheran School. Our students excitedly exited their cars in the morning rainstorm in anticipation of seeing their new teacher and all of their friends. We were blessed to worship together as a family again. Our chapel service was an engaging message about how Jesus is our best friend!! And now our students are in the learning zone! #firstday #believelearngrowlead#bethlehemsaginaw #whatafriend
Wednesday, April 11, 2018
Now Enrolling
Tell your family and friends about Bethlehem Lutheran School and
encourage them to call or visit to learn more if they are looking for a new school home.
$50 Welcome Scholarships will be given to all new families towards registration fees.
School Fundraiser
Mother's Day Flower Sale!!
10" Hanging Baskets-$25.00
4 1/2" Pot-$5.00
Checks can be made to
Bethlehem Lutheran School
Flyers coming home by Friday
Orders Arrive May 11th
Athletics' Fundraiser
The Athletics' Advisory Committee is holding a Euchre tournament on Saturday. Please join us for 6 rounds of Euchre and a baked potato bar to help us raise funds for our Athletics Department. Tickets are $20 each.
To purchase tickets, please call the school office at (989) 755-1146. Each player will compete as an individual, and will be scored individually. Teammates will be chosen at random for each round. There will not be childcare at the event. For your enjoyment, and for the enjoyment of others, we ask that the only attendees will be euchre tournament participants. Thank you for your consideration!
Friday, March 2, 2018
After School Programs
Students are really excited about the new after-school clubs we started in February. This week I am going to highlight the STEM club and some of their awesome activities. Thank you Mr. Royce for planning and preparing activities that require our students to collaborate with each other while being challenged in their thinking and problem-solving skills.
It looks to be so much fun!!
Students were challenged to build a bridge that will support 100 pennies! The final bridge can only consist of 3 sheets of paper and scotch tape. The tape may only attach to the paper and not be connected to the books which make the bridge. The winning team's bridge held 150 pennies.
The 8th graders are working on a couple week project to design and build a bridge made of spaghetti held together with only hot glue to span an 18” gap and support a weight. We will test the bridge with rolls of pennies until it breaks!
Students were challenged to move a pile of marshmallows from one side of the room to the other without touching them with their hands and the students couldn’t cross the room. They were given straws, a paper cup, a balloon, and tape.
Saturday, February 3, 2018
Growth Mindset
Thank you Mr. Sharman for finding this image that is a phenomenal illustration of the Growth Mindset from a Christian worldview. Wow! What a powerful image and idea it is to know that God took away the T in can't when He sacrificed His one and only Son on our behalf to save us from our sins so that we may spend eternal life with Him.
Athletics' Fundraiser
Please bring in your Coke product bottle tops in to the school office to support the Bethlehem Lutheran Athletic's Advisory Committee fundraising campaign!!
Friday, January 19, 2018
Wednesday, January 10, 2018
Anonymous Testimonial
I received this the other day in my inbox and I just had to share it. I love our school!
“We always talk about "something different at Bethlehem". I certainly saw that today at church. I saw an 8th grader keep his little cousin occupied the whole service. I saw another 8th grader get a quiet bag for a little one in another pew that was upset during the service. I saw older kids talking to younger kids after the service. Such friendly students. I think these older kids, especially the 8th graders, are setting good examples. I've had a few of the girls in that class approach me in the hallway and say hi, and we've had a quick conversation. It says a lot about the parents raising these kids, and that is carried on by the teachers and staff at school. Teaching them and reminding them to be kind and considerate. I'm thankful to be part of this school family, and hope my kids soak it all in and behave in similar ways too.”
Do you know someone looking for a different school option? Spread the word that we are getting ready to open registration for Preschool through 8th grade! Come see for yourself what's different about Bethlehem.
“We always talk about "something different at Bethlehem". I certainly saw that today at church. I saw an 8th grader keep his little cousin occupied the whole service. I saw another 8th grader get a quiet bag for a little one in another pew that was upset during the service. I saw older kids talking to younger kids after the service. Such friendly students. I think these older kids, especially the 8th graders, are setting good examples. I've had a few of the girls in that class approach me in the hallway and say hi, and we've had a quick conversation. It says a lot about the parents raising these kids, and that is carried on by the teachers and staff at school. Teaching them and reminding them to be kind and considerate. I'm thankful to be part of this school family, and hope my kids soak it all in and behave in similar ways too.”

Do you know someone looking for a different school option? Spread the word that we are getting ready to open registration for Preschool through 8th grade! Come see for yourself what's different about Bethlehem.
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