Monday, September 2, 2019

Car Line

Our car line is a busy place in the morning and after school. 
Please make sure that you follow all of the procedures to ensure the safety of 
all of our students and to provide a smooth car line experience for everyone!

Morning Drop-Off:

  • All students must exit on the right side of the car. Please do not allow your student to walk around your car as other cars in the line may be pulling around and will not see them. 
  • Please pull all the way up to the garage. 
  • If you have several items to unload, it may be better to park in the school parking lot. 
  • Please watch your children and make sure they have moved away from the vehicle before driving away! 
Afternoon Pick-Up:
  • All parties picking up students from school must have a yellow card. If you are sending your student home with another family, they must have a yellow card and a written note or email must be sent in to the office.
  • All students should enter cars on the right side. Safety patrol will be helping load students. If you need to load a student on the left side, please get out of your car and walk them around to ensure other cars can see them.
We love our students and our #1 priority is to ensure their safety. If you have any questions or concerns with the car line, please reach out to Dr. Frederick at 989-755-1144 ext. 212 or at 

Charger Athletics

The Charger Athletics' season has begun. Players have been practicing in preparation for their first game this upcoming week. We invite you all to come and join us to cheer our Chargers on. You will find game schedules on the school website Click on the School Tab > Student Life > and Athletics. Here you can find Bethlehem Sportswear if you wish to order some new items this school year. Thank you to the Athletics' Committee and our AD Lisa Duclos for all of your hard work getting things ready for a great season. We are praying for our student athletes and our coaches who have graciously volunteered their time to coach and train our children. Go Chargers!

2019-2020 School Year Has Started!

As we kick off the 2019-2020 school year, we focus on the very foundation of our faith. We are going back to the basics as we help our students understand the what and the why of our Christian faith. We always encourage our students to be bold defenders of their faith, and we strive to give them the knowledge and the tools to do so. Our theme song “This I Believe” by Hillsong has the main components of the Apostles’ Creed done in a musical way that is so powerful because it connects what we believe in our hearts in a way that we can confess together with our lips! #thisIbelieve

Monday, March 18, 2019

Euchre Tournament

PTL Adult Bowling Night Out

Join Us for a PTL Adult Bowling Night Out

When: April 27th
Time: 7-9 p.m.
Where: Stardust Bowling Alley

Cost: $15 per person-includes 2 hour of bowling, shoes, and food
RSVP by April 19th sending back the envelope on the flier sent home with your child. If you need another one, please call the school office or just send the money in a sealed envelope labeled PTL Bowling.

If you are new to Bethlehem, this is a great way to meet some new people!!!

Monday, February 11, 2019

Annual Sweetheart Dance

Our families had a fun evening filled with fellowship, dance, snacks, 
and time for making memories with those we love. 
Thank you Bethlehem PTL for a fantastic evening!!!

National Lutheran School's Week

I love Psalm 46:1. "God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble." I am not sure that there is a more comforting thought. God is REAL. God is PRESENT.

I try to instill this in our students whenever I get the chance. There is no greater promise than having faith that God is real and He is alive in us which means that He is present in everything that we do.

When I look at the logo this year for NLSWeek19, my eyes are automatically drawn to that darling little one praying. There is so much in this world that is disheartening and troublesome.

But what we are teaching is so much more important. We are teaching our children that THERE IS ALWAYS HOPE. THERE IS ALWAYS LOVE. THERE IS ALWAYS JOY. THERE IS ALWAYS PEACE. God is the God of all of these things and He is always here for us. When we teach our children to pray, we are confirming that we believe that God is real. That God is present. That God is God and that He hears us always. We have a direct line to His heart.

Please pray for Bethlehem Lutheran School as we celebrate the uniqueness that makes us different and that difference is that Christ is alive in our school. He is Real. He is Present. He is God. Praise Jesus for that Truth.

National Lutheran Schools' Week is March 4th-8th. Stay tuned for more information regarding fun activities and dress up days. We will be kicking off this week with our School Fun Fair and Open House on March 1st from 5:30-8:00 p.m. Join us in celebrating NLSWeek19!

Monday, January 7, 2019

Muffins with Moms

Next week all moms are invited to Muffins with Moms on January 16th at 7:00 a.m. in the lower level. I have found that this quiet morning together eating breakfast and chatting is a great way to start the day with your kiddos! Please RSVP on Facebook so we know how many to expect. We will be having muffins, juice, and coffee. You can join us any time from 7:00-7:45 a.m.

Happy New Year!!!

We are praying God's richest blessing over your New Year!